The article should be structured according to the following requirements and thoroughly read by the author.
1. Technical parameters. The text is typed in Microsoft Word with the font size – 12 Times New Roman, interval- 1, margins – 2 cm on all sides.
2. The structure of the article. Copyright material, including the following elements should be sent to the editorial office: the UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) and LBC (Library Bibliographic Classification) indexes, the title of the published material, summary, keywords, the text of the published material, the list of sources and literature, transliteration list of sources and literature, information about the author/authors. The title of the article, summary, keywords and information about the author should be presented in Russian and English languages.
2.1. The titles of scientific articles should be informative, concise and reflect the subject matter of the material. It is possible to use only standard abbreviations in the titles. In the translation of the titles of the articles into English there should be no transliterations from Russian language, except untranslatable personal names, names of devices, and other objects that have their own names.
2.2. The summary in Russian is drawn up according to State Standards (GOST) 7.9-95, (GOST) P 7.0.4-2006, GOST 7.5-98 of 100-250 words (about 850 characters). It is placed after the indication of the title and author/authors of the article. It should briefly reflect the structure of the article (relevance, main objective, the considered issues, article sections and the used methods (if it is essential), conclusions) and should be informative. Abbreviations and symbols, except the common ones, are used in exceptional cases or give their definitions at the first use.
2.3. The summary in English (Abstract) carries out the function of the help tool for the English-speaking reader and is the main source of information about the article. It helps foreign specialists estimate the publication, define their interest to the work of the Russian scientist, allows them to use it in their publication, make a reference on it and so on. Therefore it should be properly translated into English, using the accepted and clear for the English-speaking reader terminology.
2.4. Keywords are 5–10 main terms which are used in the article and help the interested reader to quickly find it. Therefore, it isn't recommended to give as keywords those which are the general terms for many subject areas and therefore complicate the search of the particular article. If after all, their use is necessary, it is better to specify these words (for example,” methods of the analysis of the text" instead of “methodology” and so on.). Keywords are given in the Nominative case.
2.5. The list of sources and bibliography should include all the works used by the author; giving links to the latest scientific literature is welcomed. Each link should contain the following items: author/authors, title, edition place, edition year, publishing house, total of pages. Also the editor, the compiler, the translator, etc. are specified; a book series of the edition (if is available). Between the areas of description the dividing sign "point" is put. The list of references is drawn up as citing (!) and is registered according to requirements of State Standards (GOST) ГОСТ 7.0.5-2008 "Bibliographic references. General requirements and rules of drawing up". Links to the literature in the text are noted as they occur by serial numbers in square brackets. The link to the page is separated from the reference to the source by a comma. If in square brackets references to several sources are given at the same time, they are separated from each other by a semicolon (for example: [1, page 25] or [1, page 26; 5, page 17]). References to Internet-resources are given in the general list of references to the author or to the title of the publication with the obligatory indication of the Web site where this publication is placed, and the date of its placement or the date of the last verification (for example: Vasilyev V. V. Unknown Yum // Philosophy Questions. 2014. No. 1. Page 127–139. URL: (accessed at: 12.06.2014). The author is responsible for the reliability of data, accuracy of citing and links to sources and literature.
2.6. The transliteration of the list of sources and literature (translation from the Russian alphabet to the Latin) is designated by the word References. It is urged to facilitate to the English-speaking reader the process of his search. Rules of registration see in the appendix 1.
2.7. Information about the author/authors (in Russian and English languages) should contain the full name, work place with the indication of the Department (without abbreviations, it is recommended to use the conventional translated version of the name of the organization), position, academic rank or status, academic degree, name of the country (for foreign authors ), the e-mail address. To work with the authors, the editorial office need their contact phone number (preferably mobile) – this information will not be published. Transliterated surnames of the authors of articles should correspond to the profiles of the authors which are available in a DB (data base) in order not to impede their identification and combination of data on their publications and citing under one profile (the identifier – the author's ID). Besides, for the authors it is important to adhere to the indication of one place of work as this data are one of the main defining signs for identification of the author.
3. Registration of tables, drawings, formulas.
3.1. All tables in the text are numbered and followed by headings; the reference on the table is given in the text, for example: (see tab. 1).
3.2. The illustration (photos, drawings, schemes, charts, diagrams, maps) should be submitted as a separate file and accompanied by the signatures. Graphic materials (diagrams, charts, etc.) should be submitted in a vector format (AI, EPS, Excels); drawings and photos – in the TIF or JPG format with the resolution not less than 300 DPI. Links to illustrations should be given in the text, for example: (see fig. 1).
3.3. Formulas should be typed in the equation editor in Word program. Transfer of formulas is allowed on the signs "plus" and "minus", more rarely – on the sign "multiply". These signs repeat at the beginning and at the end of transfer. Formulas should be numbered (numbering through all the work in the Arab figures). Number of a formula is enclosed in parentheses at the right edge of the page.
4. The main text of the article may contain notes in the form of the automatic page footnotes with continuous numbering.