2019 год № 4 - Journal "Prepodavatel 21 vek"


Part 1


Modern Education Issues

Alyabysheva Yu.A., Veryaev A.A., Ermakov B.B. Metaphoric Nature of Views on Digital Transformation of Education

Litvinenko M.V. Development of a Methodology for Evaluating the Qualification of University Graduates (On the Example of Topographic-Geodesic Profile Specialists)

Profession Education Pedagogy

Malev A.V., Chernyshov S.V. Axiological Aspects of the Implementation of Russian Language Policy in Professional and Methodological Training of Foreign Language Teachers

Krupchenko A.K. Axiological Strategies of Foreign Language Professional Pedagogical Education

Milovanova L.A. Axiological Aspects of Training a Foreign Language Teacher for Secondary Schools

Nikitenko Z.N. Professional Training of a Foreign Language Teacher for Pre-School and Primary Education: Axiological Dimension

Gorobinskaya N.V. Key Competences of Foreign Language Teachers in 21st Century

Education Topics and Techniques

Toporkova O.V. Project-Based Learning in the Practice of a Higher Technical School Abroad

Sukhanova N.P. Efficiency of Small Groups Method in Teaching Philosophy

Nudurmagomedov A.N., Savzikhanova M.A., Nudurmagomedova L.A. Mechanisms of Pedagogical Interaction in Interactive Technologies in Higher Education

Silantyeva M.V. Specifics of Applying the Metatemic Approach to the Texts of Educational Literature on “Nuclear Power and Thermal Physics” (On the Example of the Implementation of the Meta-Theme “General Characteristic of an Object”)

Gobysh A.V. On Special Aspects of Online Mathematical Analysis Courses Integration into a University Educational Process

Abdulgalimov G.L., Turpalova M.S., Kholmogorova E.G. Study of Basic Concepts of Electricity in the Course of Robotics and Technical Creativity

Chekulaeva M.E., Sidorova N.V. Model for Managing Students’ Project Activity for Drawing Up Applied Mathematical Problems

Loginova P.G. Ways of Forming Students’ Linguistic and Cultural Competence During the French Language Lesson

Korzinova E.I., Ryvlina A.A., Katkhanova Ju.F. Motivational Characteristics of Students’ Educational Activity

Education and Art

Zubrilin K.M. Features of Forming the Image of the Art and Graphic Faculty of Moscow Pedagogical State University

Dubrovin V.M., Chekantsev P.A. About Learning Algorithms of Basics of Artistic and Compositional Literacy

Education and Language

Ruzhitsky I.V., Martynenko Yu.B. Teaching Foreign Students Options of Russian Personal Names

Sokolova G.E. Developing Role of Excursion Lessons with Students Studying Russian as a Foreign Language

Chechik I.V. The Relevance of Using Audiovisual Teaching Aids in Russian Language Classes for Foreign Students of Engineering and Technical Profile

Kvaskova L.V. Experience of Teaching a Linguopragmatic Interpretation of Foreign-Languge Text

Krasheninnikova E.I., Krasheninnikova N.A. General Features of Modern English-Language Songs and their Usage in the Classroom


Part 2



Arnautova Ju.Eu. Models of Perceiving Social Reality in the Middle Ages

Kochergina M.V. The Specifics of the Iconography and Artistic Features the Image of the Saviour with Scenes Tales in the Old Believers’ Painting of Starodubye and Vetka (XVIII — Early XX Centuries)

Ivochkin D.A. Honoring The Miraculous Icons in the Smolensk Diocese in the Second Half of the 19th – Early 20th Century

Emchenko E.B. Pedagogical Activity of M.N. Muravyov-Vilensky

Blinov I.S. Agricultural Concession of the German Company “Friedrich Krupp” in the USSR (1922–1928)

Seyed Asgar Keivan Hosseini, Mohammad Yusof-vand. Development of the Concept “Cyber War” in US Security Strategies After September (2001–2018)

Artamonov G.A., Orlova A.S. Features of the Embodiment of the Image of the Enemy in the Game Cinema of Modern Russia

Zvereva G.I. The Ordinary Social Media User as a Historian: Ways to Create a Historical Narrative on YouTube



Sun Xiaomei. Methods of Translation Transformations when Translating the Literature Text from Russian into Chinese (On the Material of the V.G. Rasputin’s Novel “Live and Remember”)

Abramova E.K., Agarkova O.A. Emmanuel Macron’s New Year Messages: Linguistic Analysis

Nagaeva K.E. Concept «Republique» (Structure and Language Representation)

Nechaeva L.T. Definitions in the Editorials of Japanese Newspapers

Rodionov Yu.N. Some Prosodic Features of English TV-News Discourse, Addressed to International Audience

Al-Barazanchi Mohammed Yassin Mohammed. Political Discourse as a Means of Representing Virtual Reality Policy of the XXI Century

Ali Najwa Fouad. The Concept of Friendship in Russian Linguistic Culture (Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian Language as Models)

Nikolina N.A., Urazbekova A.A. Polonisms in I.I. Lazhechnikov`s Novel “Granddaughter of an Armored Boyar”

Markova N.S. Deictic Locative Adverbs in the Russian Language: Linguodidactic Aspect. Article II: там, туда, сюда, отсюда, оттуда, досюда, дотуда

George T.K. Ethnic Mentality in the Context of a Folklore Culture