Part 1
Modern Education Issues
Passov E.I. How to Create an Effective Educational System?
Gemranova A.D., Mitina I.D. Cultural Mission of the University
Dzhurinskiy A.N. Intercultural Education in France
Social Pedagogy
Bulavleva T.V. About the Risks and Problems of Modern Social Pedagogy
Profession Education Pedagogy
Tsarkova V.B. Civic Pride as One of the Methodological Means of Implementing the Foreign Language Education (To the Problem of Becoming a Subject of the Dialogue of Cultures)
Konkol M.M. Features of Formation of Intercultural Tolerance of Future Specialists in Public Relations
Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A., Slavskaya A.N., Levanova E.A., Pushkareva T.V. The Concept of the Personality
Bratukhina A.R. Professional and Personal SelfDevelopment of Students in The Process of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Education Topics and Techniques
Grigorieva N.A. Working with Archives as an Integral Part of Implementation of the Research Approach in the Study of A Choreographic Folklore in the High School
Turaev S.Zh. Formation of Scientific and Practical Skills of Students with Involvement in the Scientific Project No. 1/1F and Application of Programming Technologies
Deza E.I., Kotova L.V., Model D.L. Information Technologies as Means of Activization of Educational and Research Activity of StudentsMathematicians
Izimarieva Z.N. Innovative Educational Technologies in the Higher Education: Project Method
Kharlamenko I.V., Titova S.V. WikiProject in Teaching Foreign Languages at University
Tsarenko N.M., Shustova S.V. Pragmatic Principles of Communicative and Cognitive Approach in Aspect of Development of Grammar Competence
Moisa E.S. The Development of Oral Scientific Monological Speech of the PostGraduates of Technical Universites When Preparing to Pass PhD Candidacy Exam in English
Galyamova E.Kh., Gareeva N.N. Formation of Methodological Competence by Training of Future Mathematics Teachers For Educational Results Diagnostics
Beloborodova M.E. Methods of Conducting Practical Classes in Physics Course at Technical Universities
Shevchenko G.I., Kochkin D.A. Main Characteristics of Virtual Reality Glasses and Prospects of Their Use in the Training Process
Soboleva G.N., Alekseeva G.D. Student Construction Teams as an Important Factor in the Training of An EngineerBuilder
Education and Language
Trushina M.K. Comparative Analysis of Language Features of the Teacher’s Speech as a Separate Genre of Pedagogical Discourse on the Example of the Novel By Gary Schmidt “The Wednesday Wars” and Its Translation Into Russian
Education and Arts
Levashova E.A. Formation of Professional Competences of Bachelors of Fine Arts and Design
Tatarinova M.S. CompetencyBased Approach in Teaching Students — Designers Computer Graphics
Pedagogical Science to School
Nikitskaya E.A., Nikitina E.O. Improvement of Compulsory Measures of Educational Influence on Minors with Delinquent Behavior
Shabbani N.G. Main Approaches to the Characteristics of Reciprocal Teaching of Children
Part 2
Budanova V.P. On the Essence and Manifestation of Modern Barbarity
Kiryukhin D.V. “Incipit Liber De Naturis Bestiarium…” — The Aberdeen Bestiary at the Latin Language Classes
Orlov A.A., Batshev M.V. Epistolary Heritage of the Russian Historian Alexander Nikolaevich Popov (1820–1877): Published and Archival Documents
Zolotukhin M.Yu. The Struggle of Bulgarias Political Circles to Assert the Unification of 1885
Vorobyova O.V. Historiography as a Transcultural Concept (To the Problem Statement)
Zvereva G.I. Intellectual History in Modern Russia: Institutes and Directions
Lipkin M.A. “The New Past”: Whether Exhibition Projects are a Competitor to a Historical Narrative Experiment of the Analysis of the European Projects on History of XX Century
Seyranyan M.Yu. Prosodic Contrasts in Conflict Discourse
Nechaeva L.T. Grammatical Markers of Emotionality in the Editorials of Japanese Newspapers
Be Thi Thu Huong. New Formations in the Language of Mass Media
Belikova G.V. Phraseological Variation as Means of Metaphorical Synergy Explication
George T.K. Gender Marking in Job Titles: Linguistic Aspect and Problem of the Translation
Lyzlov A.I. The Concept “Bull/Ox” in English and Russian Proverbial Units (In the Reflexion of Literature)
Mamedova A.N. Features of Emergence of the Actual Value of the “Dream” Lexeme in the Function of the Predicate
Abduljabbar Muhsen Al Rubai. Fixing the Relationship of the Syntactic Concept and Structural Scheme of Sentences: A Linguistic and Cultural Approach
Zhang Jie. Analysis of Russian Phrases Containing Colour from the Aspect of Language Conditions
Zhao Nan. Gradational Relations in Russian Paremies with Gradonims
Study in Literature
Svyatoslavsky A.V. Speeches of M. Gorky at the First Congress of the Soviet Writers as a Subject of a Philological Analysis of the Text
Trubina L.A. Modern Literary Study on the Dialogue between Literature and History
Slavina V.A., Oleynikov A.S. Representation of the Image of Russia in the Spanish Press
Boldova T.A., Tregubova L. V. Review: JarosławWierzbiński. Mikhail Zoschenko. Textological Research and Analysis, Semantics and Stylistics: Monograph. Lodz University, 2017. 125 p.
Scientific Chronical
Budanova V.P., Selivanova L.L. Civilization and Barbarism: Anthropology of Latent Barbarism (Round Table)