Journal "Prepodavatel 21 vek" - 2022 № 3


Profession Education Pedagogy

Проблемы профессионального образования

Karakozov S.D., Ryzhova N.I. Trends in the Training of Highly Qualified Scientific Personnel to Improve the Quality of Pedagogical Dissertation Research

Barsky E.D. Regulatory and Didactic Fundamentals of Distance Learning Modeling in Russia

Nikitskaya E.A. Polyparadigmaticity in the Training System and Professional Socialization of Social Sector Specialists

Wang Haoying. Experience of Training Master Students Jointly by the Capital Normal University (PRC) and the Moscow State Linguistic University (Russia)

Latypova E.A. Social and Cultural Determinants of the Dynamics of Education in a Multicultural and Multilingual Environment: Factors That Set the Dynamics

Afanasyeva O.P., Nikiforova I.N., Chesnovitskaya E.A. Theoretical Approaches to the Study of the Problem of the Success of Educational Activities of Adolescents in a Modern Secondary School


Educational Topics and Techniques

Gribova G.V, Shtobbe I.A, Guseva A.V. Interdisciplinary Links in Teaching Natural Sciences to Pharmacy Students of Medical Universities

Moklyak D.S. Criteria for Evaluating the Program of Training Future Teachers for Productive Teaching of Physics Taking Into Account the Possibilities of the Information Educational Environment

Sarycheva I.A., Gribkova J.V., Golitsyna E.V., Zapatrina N.V. On Carrying Out a Pedagogical Experiment on a Differentiated Approach to Teaching Higher Mathematics at the University

Matveeva V.A., Samsikova N.A. The Method of Delusions in Teaching Mathematics

Bukovsky S.L. Role Playing as a Type of Speech Exercise in Creative Teaching of Spoken Professionally-Oriented Foreign Language Communication in Agrarian Higher Education Institution

Ran Ling, Glumova E.P. Features of Forming Foreign-Language Regional Competence among Students of the “Foreign Regional Studies” Specialty

Erokhina O.V. Internet Resources and the Possibility of Their Use in Teaching the History of Russia in the XVIII – Early XX Century at the University


Education and Language

Fan Jinhui, Chepkova T.P. Teaching the Language of Specialty to Chinese Music Students on the Material of the Texts on the Creative Heritage of Russian Composers of the Xix–Xx Centuries

Zatsepin A.V., Kaisarova S.N. Specifics of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language to Chinese Music Students

Nwet Nwet Lwin. Ethno-Oriented Methodology of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language in Myanmar (Using the Example of Verbs of Motion)


Education and Physical Culture

Kim T.K., Kuzmenko G.A. Essebbar K.M., Marin I.S. Specification of the System of Quality Requirements and the Results of Activity as a Condition for Improving the Educational Process of Students of Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Health

Filonov L.V., Kruchinina G.A. Formation of Universal Competencies of the Future Bachelors of Physical Culture in the System of Specialized Disciplines with the Use of Digital Technologiesй


Education and Arts

Katkhanova Yu.F., Yu Xi, Korygin A.I. Artificial Intelligence in Educational Space

Saltykova G.M., Vasilyeva D.A. Digital Technologies in Design Education and Project Activities

Guseva V.V. The Role of the Sculpture Discipline in the Training of Future Toy Designers (Philosophical Aspect)




In the Field of Intellectual History

Shemyakin Ya.G. M.M. Bakhtin`s Concept of Dialogue in the Context of the Process of Changing General Scientific Paradigms

Nazarov S.O. The Problem of Historical Synthesis in the Works of Positivists and I.G. Droizen

Kirpichnikov I.A. Regionalism in the History of Muscovite Russia: Problems of Conceptualization


Political History and World Politics

Belova T.A., Britskaya A.L., Kozlova A.A., Lobova T.G., Sivirina O.A. Traditions of the Russian Autocuracy

Shemyakina O.D. Conflict and Integration Strategies in the “Connected History” of Eurasia: The Problem of Correlation


From the History of Economics and Social Policy

Blinova E.V. The “African” London: Topographic Chronicles (XVI – Early XX Centuries)

Ryshkus V.V. Land and Power: Economic Aspect

Gapsalamov A.R. Organizational Changes in the Industry of the Tatar ASSR within the Forced Industrialization Conditions


History of Science and Education

Shpak G.V. Board Games in England of the Georgian Era as a Tool of Education, Upbringing and Distribution of Scientific Knowledge

Zernov D.V., Igaeva K.V. Historical Memory and Patriotic Education in Russian Schools: Interviewing Young Teachers



Discourse Studies

Popova A.V. Main Features of the 2020 United States Presidential Election: Linguocultural Aspect

Sokolova M.A. Modern Forms of Discrimination in the American Political Mediadiscourse

Seiranyan M.Yu. Hedging as a Marker of National-Cultural Specifics of Communication

Sergeeva Yu.M., Ivasik D.A. Deconstruction of the Binary Gender Model in Modern Language (Based on English Advertising Texts)


Lexicology, Phraseology, Comparative Studies

Ananina T.S., Timofeeva A.A. Psycholinguistic and Semantic Characteristics of Russian and European Lexical and Phraseological Units Emerged During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Comparative Aspect)

Krivenkova O.A., Evenko E.V., Morozova O.N. Portmanteau as a Productive Way of Forming “Coroneologisms”

Mamedov A.N. Structural and Semantic Types of Terms in Socio-Political Texts and Ways of Their Translation from German into Russian



Al Abdali Yusra Akram. Metaphor and Genre of Family Chronicle (On the Example of L. Ulickaya’s “Medea and Her Children”)



In memory of M.Ya. Blokh