Profession Education Pedagogy
Педагогика профессионального образования
Borisova E.M., Lazareva E.Yu., Mironova I.A., Osipova O.P., Savenkova E.V., Skorovarova M.V., Fedorov S.I. Development and Analysis of the Expert Opinion in Part of Control and Supervision Actions in the Framework of the Implementation of the Powers of the Executive Authorities and Educational Organizations of the New Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation
Seryakova S.B., Kirsanova K.G. Research into Employers’ Requests and Preferences in the Recruitment of Educational Staff
Khairullina E.R., Fakhrutdinova A.V., Nasretdinova A.S., Nasretdinov A.I. Concept of Updating the Form and Technology of Training Competitive Personnel
Kasyanova E.V. Relevance of the Development of Soft Skills of Future IT Specialists
Miroshnichenko A.A., Ivanova N.P., Ichetovkina N.M. University Shifts in Russia: From Empirism to Systematization
Educational Topics and Techniques
Nazarova O.V., Nazarov A.V. Mind Maps in the Modern Educational Process: Advantages, Functions, Visualization Principles and Design Tools
Zabelin D.A., Plashcheva E.V., Lanina S.Y. Interactive Chatbot ChatGPT in Education: Challenges and Opportunities
Surovtsev A.V., Noskova O.E., Noskov F.M. Professional and Communicative Competence of Students of Technical Areas of Training in the Subject Field of Graphic Disciplines
Matveeva V.A., Samsikova N.A. The System of Professional Tasks as a Means of Developing Professional Competencies for Future Teachers of Mathematics in the Course of Mastering the Discipline “Algebra and Number Theory”
Tapilin T. Narrative Multimodal Texts in Digital Educational Resources for Learning Foreign Languages: Purposes and Principles of Use
Shcherbinina Yu.I., Mikhailovskaya E.V. Methods of Working with Literary Titles as Part of the Course on the Language of Contemporary British Short Prose for Philology Students
Gudilina S.I., Korzinova E.I. Media Education in the Preparation of Teacher Training College Students
Education and Language
Urvantseva N.G. Poetic Text in the Lessons of Russian as a Foreign Language (A.S. Pushkin’s Poem “The Flower”)
Zabudryaeva Yu.A. The Potential of Using Digital Visual Aids at the Initial Stage of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
Nikitina E.A. The Emotive Component in the Process of Learning Russian as a Foreign Language
Komatsu Mami. Analysis of Potential Mistakes of Russian-Speaking Students When Mastering the Use of Honorific Speech in Japanese, Taking Aspectual Relations into Account
Education and Music
Wang Yushan, Yudin A.P. Features of Mastering S. Rachmaninoff’s Piano Works by Chinese Students
Sun Lanxin, Zeng Zijing. Russian Piano Music of the Late XIX – Early XX Century in the Repertoire of Chinese Piano Students
Pavlova M.A., Yan Hu. Current Trends in Vocal Education in China
Ma Ao. I.K. Arkhipova’s Pedagogical Principles within the Context of Vocal Training of Students of Music Faculty
Kamyshanov A.M. Evaluation of Archaeological Sources for the Study of the Spatial Organization of the Rural Territory of Bosporus in the VI–III Centuries BC
Hu Jinsong. Historiography of Ordos Bronzes and Animal Style in Southwestern Inner Mongolia
In the field of intellectual history
Lubkov A.V., Artamonov G.A., Litvinova I.V., Bolshakova E.A. The Influence of the Values of the Representatives of the Legal School of Social Thought in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century on the Formation of Current Ideas about the “National Idea”
Shpak G.V. Between History and Poetry: Defining the Genre of the Novel in England in the Mid-17th Century
Vorobieva O.V. “Enchanted Garden with Mysteries Behind Every Bush”: A.J. Toynbee’s Methodological Searches
History through Personality
Denisova I.V. On the Question of Emperor Julian’s Education in Athens
Economic and Social History
Rybakov P.A. Village Rumors Before and During the Initial Period of Collectivization (Based on Materials of Central Russia)
Ryshkus V.V. Land and Power: National-Economic Aspect
Political history
Kulikova Ju.V. The Role of Political Terrorism in the Modification of the Identity of the Roman Empire in the III Century
Shcherbakova I.K. Reasons for the Success of Imposture in Russia at the Beginning of the XVII Century: Charisma, Luck or Adventurism?
World Politics and International Relations
Islamov D.R. Turkey’s Foreign Policy in the Context of the Electoral Activity of the Turkish Diaspora in the 2010s
Komarov A.N. Quebec Provincial Elections in 2018 and 2022 and Their Influence on the Development of the French Speaking Province
Kharitonova E.V. Psychological Aspects of Islamists’ Radicalization and Deradicalization
Moseyko A.N. Christian Muslim Dialogue in the Context of Interfaith Relations in Africa
Dudarev V.S. Educational Project “Russia — Germany. Milestones of Joint History in Collective Memory” as an Example of the Development of Scientific Diplomacy in Russian-German Relations at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Cognitive Studies
Efimova A.D. Metastatements as the Ways of Language Reflexion and Reconstruction of the Structure and Content of the Transnational Concepts and Metaconcepts
Ryzhakov V.S. Cognitive and Semiotic Approaches to Understanding the Phenomenon of Intertextuality
Zhang Yufan. Semantic Components of the Conceptual Field Labor as Structural Elements of the Holiday Macrofield in Russian
Discourse Studies and Stylistics
Vasilyuk K.Yu. Phonostylistic Features of British Eulogy as a Genre of Ritual Discourse
Sharova A.A., Danilov G.A. Means of Creating Comical Effect in Animated Discourse and the Problem of Their Reproduction in Translation
Vorontsova I.A., Boychuk E.I., Pospelova E.A. Linguopragmatic Features of “Marvel” Trans-media Discourse Translation (With Special Reference to “Wanda/Vision” Mini-Series and Its Prequel Comic Books)
Novolodskaya N.S. The Comic Effect of Dialectisms in German-Language Fairy Tales
Smirnova A.G. “Visual” in J.S. Foer’s Novel “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close”
Comparative and Typological Studies
Zhou Linyuan. Complex Words of Foreign Origin in the Russian Language
75th Anniversary of V.M. Lopatkin’s Birth – Professor of the Altai State Pedagogical University